The Groundbreaking Grand Chapter began the charter process on May 2, 2023, by 4 tenacious women to provide support and guidance to all Eta Alpha Pi Sorority, Incorporated® chapters, colonies, life, legacy, general, associate, honorary, and auxiliary members. On December 2, 2023, the Groundbreaking Grand Chapter received its official charter and is now recognized as the governing body of the Sorority and the first chartered chapter, making history.
What was accomplished since April of 2023 is unprecedented. The sacrifice of time and energy for an entire year will be worth the reward that is coming. To charter a chapter is no easy feat. Doing it with the women you see above creates memories in our hearts forever. For, we know God has truly shined upon us. We cannot wait for the world to know just how much.
National Standing Committees
Comprises of 5 committee chairs who oversee our standing committees. Our committee chairs have undergone intense training through our Eta University and FACE Leadership Institute.
District Management
Comprises of 2 managers who oversee our 2 districts which house our 4 regions. Our managers have undergone intense training through our Eta University and our FACE Leadership Institute.
Comprises of 4 directors who oversee our 4 regions which house our colonies and chapters. Our directors have undergone intense training through our Eta University and our FACE Leadership Institute.