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Risk Management National Policy

PURPOSE: To assist the Eta Alpha Pi Sorority, Incorporated™ in reducing exposure to risks and losses by increasing risk awareness among our chapters, affiliations, and members. The Sorority will provide educational assistance to help chapters, affiliations, and members establish sound risk management practices that will minimize their exposures.


USE BY: Everyone


SOURCE: Eta Alpha Pi Sorority, Incorporated™


HISTORY: First issued November 2016; Revised October 2023


GOVERNANCE: The Eta Alpha Pi Sorority, Incorporated™ is dedicated to developing the intellectual leadership, and professional skills needed to maximize their potential and strive for their personal best. We are very proud of the professional nature of our Sorority. We expect that our chapters, affiliates and members will address the area of risk management in an equally professional and proactive manner. Any violation of the Risk Management Policy as it relates to any and all of this process, is strictly prohibited. Those who chose to condone, participate, or have a working knowledge of any deviance away from this policy, will be subjected to sanctions including but not limited to membership expungement.



Our chapters , members, and volunteers must evaluate their operations and respond with positive and responsible actions to reduce risk and prevent losses. Compliance with our policy stresses the individual responsibility of everyone participating in Sorority activities. 




The Sorority will take responsible and good faith measures to assure that our members abide by law and policy and that our actions reflect in a positive way on ourselves and on Eta Alpha Pi. As stated earlier, none of these actions can provide an adequate substitute for personal responsibility for risk on the part of those who opt to consume or to provide alcoholic beverages.


  • The possession, use and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages, while at any Sorority event, whether local, regional, provincial, national, or international in scope; or in any situation sponsored or endorsed by any chapter or by the Sorority, or at any event an observer would associate with the Sorority must be in compliance with any and all applicable laws of the country, state, province, county, or city.

  • No alcoholic beverages may be purchased through or with chapter funds nor may the purchase of alcoholic beverages for members or guests be undertaken by anyone in the name of or on behalf of Eta Alpha Pi.

  • The purchase or use of a bulk quantity or common source of alcoholic beverage, for example kegs or cases, is prohibited.

  • No member individually or collectively, shall purchase for, serve, or sell alcoholic beverages to any minor (i.e. those under the legal drinking age).

  • Under no circumstances may an Eta Alpha Pi member act as the server of alcohol at an event.

  • The possession, sales and/or use of any illegal drug or controlled substance at any Sorority event or any event an observer would associate with the Sorority is prohibited.

  • No Sorority chapter may co-sponsor or co-finance an event where alcohol is purchased by any host chapter, group or organization.

  • Open Sorority-sponsored events where alcohol is present are prohibited. Open events are those at which non-members are provided unrestricted access without specific invitation.

  • When alcohol is served at Sorority events, the service of alcohol must be conducted on a cash bar basis utilizing the services of a properly licensed and insured company providing professional bartender services.

  • No chapter may co-sponsor an event with an alcohol distributor or tavern (tavern is defined as an establishment generating more than half of annual gross sales from alcohol) at which alcohol is given away, sold or otherwise provided to those present. This includes any event held in, at or on the property of a tavern as defined above for purposes of fundraising. However, a chapter or colony may rent or use a room or area in a tavern as defined above for a closed event held within the provisions of this policy, including the use of a third-party vendor and guest list. An event at which alcohol is present may be conducted or cosponsored with a charitable organization if the event is held within the provisions of this policy.


The following general provisions apply:


  • Reasonable precautions will be taken by the alcohol service providers and host chapters to prevent the excessive consumption of alcohol and to prevent the service of alcohol to underage persons by anyone.

  • Members or guests who arrive at an event in an intoxicated state will not be permitted to attend.

  • At each event, there shall be designated non-drinking members.

  • Ample non-alcoholic beverages shall be provided at each event.

  • The service of alcoholic beverages shall end at a specific time which shall be established and clearly published in advance of the event.

  • No “drinking games” shall be permitted.

  • It is recommended that events which include alcohol not be held on two consecutive days.


The following apply to recruitment events/events with candidates/chapter/ membership events:


  • All recruitment activities and contacts associated with any chapter, either formal or informal, will be alcohol-free. Recruitment activities associated with any chapter may not be held at or in conjunction with a tavern or alcohol distributor as defined in this policy.

  • No alcohol shall be present at any candidate program, activity, or ritual of the chapter or colony. This includes, but is not limited to activities associated with bid night, big sister–little sister events or activities, “family” events or activities and initiation.

  • There shall be no alcohol permitted at any event specifically planned for candidates.




All acts of hazing are prohibited. Members and Auxiliary, new and existing, are entitled to be treated with consideration and respect and no member or Eta Alpha Pi Sorority, Incorporated shall engage in an act that is likely to cause physical or psychological harm to any other person. Furthermore, any such behavior is expressly forbidden when related to the admission, initiation, pledging, joining, continued membership in, or any activity. A person commits the offense of hazing if the person intentionally, knowingly or recklessly, for the purpose of initiating, admitting or affiliating a member or interest, applicant or auxiliary into or with the Sorority, or for the purpose of continuing or enhancing a member or interest, applicant or auxiliary membership or status in the Sorority, causes, coerces or forces a member or interest, applicant or auxiliary to do any of the following:


  • Violate federal or state criminal law; 

  • Consume any food, drink, alcoholic liquid, drug or other substance that subjects the member or interest, applicant or individual to a risk of emotional or physical harm;

  • Endure brutality of a physical nature, including whipping, beating, branding, calisthenics or exposure to the elements;

  • Endure brutality of a mental nature, including activity adversely affecting the mental health or dignity of the individual, sleep deprivation, exclusion from social contact or conduct that could result in extreme embarrassment;

  • Endure any other activity that creates a reasonable likelihood of bodily injury to the member or interest, applicant or admitted individual.


Under Section 1006.63, of the Florida Statute on hazing, the crime of “hazing” includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Any brutality of a physical nature including:


  • Forced consumption of any food, liquor, drug, or other substance

  • Exposure to the elements

  • Beating

  • Branding

  • Whipping

  • Any other forced physical activity that could adversely affect the physical health or safety;

  • Endure brutality of a sexual nature; and

  • Any activity that would subject the individual to extreme mental stress, such as:

    • Sleep deprivation

    • Forced exclusion from social contact

    • Forced conduct that could result in extreme embarrassment

    • Forced activity that could adversely affect the mental health or dignity

    • Pressuring or coercing the student into violating state or federal law




No chapter or member may enter into any written or oral contract or financial agreement using the name of Eta Alpha Pi Sorority. This includes without limitation such agreements as leases, contracts, hold harmless agreements, liability releases, account statements, purchase orders, and hotel or banquet contracts. As the Sorority’s insurance will not afford protection for outside parties, no chapter or member may enter into any written or oral agreement under which the responsibility or liability of some party other than the Sorority is assumed. 

Additional Insured status under the Sorority’s insurance will require the prior agreement of both the Sorority and its insurers.




To minimize our exposures to automobile related claims, the Sorority strongly recommends that hired transportation (i.e. bus, limousine, taxi) be used when transportation is necessary for Sorority events or activities. We also recommend against “Safe” or “Designated Driver” programs because while they are well-intentioned, they present significant claims potential.


Any individual who drives or provides transportation in conjunction with Sorority activities shall obey all applicable motor vehicle laws, including those concerning vehicle safety, vehicle operation, financial responsibility, and the transportation and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Operators shall ensure that vehicles are properly maintained, and are operated in a safe manner. Rental vehicles shall be operated in accordance with rental contracts.


Use of personal vehicles shall be strictly voluntary and the sole responsibility of the vehicle owner/operator. Financial Responsibility laws generally impose responsibility for accidents on the Driver or Owner of vehicles. The Sorority assumes no responsibility or liability and provides no insurance to Drivers or Owners of vehicles for accidents or injuries, or for any damages to vehicles not owned by the Sorority that may be used in conjunction with Sorority activities.




The Sorority will not tolerate or condone any form of abusive behavior and/or fighting on the part of its members, whether physical, mental, or emotional. This includes any actions that are harmful to the physical body or body parts, demeaning to women or men, including but not limited to fighting, physical altercations, battery, assault and other relatively minor offenses involving bodily harm, date rape, gang rape, verbal harassment, discriminatory slurs, unwelcome sexual advances or comments, harassment of any kind, or any jokes, remarks or conduct that creates a hostile environment.




Use of personal property in Sorority activities shall be strictly voluntary and the sole responsibility of the owner. The Sorority assumes no liability or responsibility for any loss or damage to any personal property of members even if used in conjunction with Sorority activities.




For the safety of its members and guests, no Sorority member or guest may carry a weapon or firearm of any kind while conducting Sorority business, and/or acting on behalf of, or attending any event in the name of the Sorority. Personal protection items such as pepper spray, alarms, or whistles may be carried and used if needed.




Chapters cannot afford the exposure of sponsoring, organizing, endorsing or participating in events or activities which involve a high-risk of physical injury or damage to property. While no definitive list of such events can be given, chapters must take a commonsense approach to evaluating the risk of a particular event or activity. Examples of high-risk events include, but are not limited to the following: bungee jumping, parachuting, low ropes courses, athletic events such as boxing, roof-top functions, water skiing or other water-related activities, especially those activities which related to any type of temporary pool or water slide.




Members should not discard Sorority paraphernalia. By doing so, you put our sacred, Greek letters at risk to be worn or used by persons who have not experienced the privilege of becoming an Eta Pi. Members should:


  • Pass it down. 

  • Give it to a neo or someone else who you know is a member of your organization.

  • Store it. Buy a plastic bin and just pack it all in there. Store the bin in your basement or attic.

  • Frame it and hang it on your wall.

  • Cut it up and make it into a blanket or pillow.

  • If you absolutely have to get rid of it, destroy it. Cut it up or burn it before you dispose of it so it cannot be worn by anyone else. (This is a last resort. We're not recommending you disrespect your letters.)




Violation of Eta Alpha Pi Sorority, Incorporated's National Constitution and Bylaws or other Governing Law, failure to implement plans as approved or failure to observe the prescribed planning procedures may result in disciplinary action up to and including revocation of a chapter and/or individual member disciplinary action up to and including expungement. Failure to abide by the Sorority’s Risk Management Policy will result in the loss of any insurance coverage that may otherwise be available under the Sorority's insurance. Failure to abide by the Risk Management Policy may also result in the following:


  • Criminal Report filed

  • Civil suit against the accused

  • Placement of a chapter on probation

  • Suspension or revocation of a Chapter’s Charter and/or prolongation of affiliation status or affiliation disbandment

  • Placement of an individual member of the Sorority on probation

  • Expungement of a member from the Sorority

  • Denial of initiated membership to a candidate



Requests for guidance regarding this policy will be directed to the Grand Chapter at


Unless otherwise indicated, requirements in this document remain applicable during a business continuity and disaster (BCD) situation.

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