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Donating You Can Trust

Many people are concerned that their charity donations may be reduced by tax or administrative costs, preventing the full amount from reaching the people or causes they want to help. You do not have that worry when you donate to our foundation.

Why does Eta Alpha Pi need funding?

The Eta Alpha Pi experience as of 2023 fundamentally differs from 8 years ago. Tuition has doubled in the last 30 years for our book stipend recipients. Our members' desires to improve their sorority acumen have doubled and the means to provide solid training has also doubled. The changing landscape of the performing arts and the ability of dance studios and other non-profits to provide life-changing education for aspiring youth means that our support effectiveness has changed too. Donations to the foundation allow Eta Alpha Pi to continue to meet the needs of our sisters, students, and performing arts enthusiasts through scholarships, leadership training, or other support.


Organizations and charities served since 2015


Service and social hours  worked since 2015


Foundation donations received since 2015


True and Living God we serve since 2015


Our mission encompasses the following key objectives:

  1. Educational Empowerment: To provide educational support and resources that enable individuals to achieve their academic potential.

  2. Leadership Development: To cultivate a new generation of leaders who are committed to making a difference in their communities.

  3. Community Impact: To contribute to the betterment of society by engaging in community development projects.

  4. Social Responsibility: To promote a sense of social responsibility and civic engagement among our members and the broader community.

  5. Cultural Enrichment: To celebrate diversity and foster cultural understanding.


What is the Ameenah Society?

The Ameenah Society recognizes  donors who embody our Platinum Plume standard of giving with a generous one-time gift for the exclusive purpose of scholarship.

The Ameenah Society donors are leaders in education, leaders in service and volunteerism, and leaders in philanthropy. These women serve as role models for general members, associate members, and all women, inspiring them to invest in their education and the future of Eta Alpha Pi Sorority through their gift-giving. 

What Level of Giving Is Required?

A gift of $500 or more qualifies for The Ameenah Society. If you are led to give more, you'll be eligible for our Foundation's other donor recognition opportunities.

Contact the Board of Managers at for more information, or how to enroll as a partner.

What Are The Benefits of Joining? 

Establishing a generous one-time  gift is an easy and efficient way to support the programs you love all year long, and comes with many donor benefits:

  • Automated tax-deductible giving

  • Rustic Legacy Peacock pin to signify your membership

  • Invitations to special Foundation events

  • Recognition in The Links Biannual Newsletter

The Ameenah Society affords Eta Alpha Pi the means to raise scholarship money for current active, financial, and in good standing members of Eta Alpha Pi Sorority and/ or any students enrolled in college-level courses or institutions within the United States.

With the cost of education rising, Eta Alpha Pi organized the society as a means to assist in financing education while also providing a meaningful connection between students and the Eta Alpha Pi Sorority.


One-time or recurring donations paid to our Eta Alpha Foundation are used to fund Sorority grants, foundational operating costs, and the vital programs that make our mission possible. Your generous donations support the following:


Grow Your Gifts

By gifting to us, you will help to remind friends and family of our causes that they themselves are passionate about and would like to support.

Sisters Circle $1 - $50

Allies Alliance Circle $51 - $249

Donors receive a gift of gratitude from the Sorority.

Tulip Pedal Circle $1,000 - $1,999


Donors receive a gift of gratitude from the Sorority, a certificate, and circulatory recognition.

Friendship Circle $250- $999

Donors receive a gift of gratitude from the Sorority along with a certificate.

Grace Circle $2,000 or above

Donors receive a gift of gratitude from the Sorority, a certificate, and circulatory recognition, and a customized plaque.

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