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  • Writer's pictureEta Alpha Pi Sorority, Incorporated

Celebrating 9 Years of Eta Alpha Pi Sorority, Incorporated®: A Founder's Gratitude

My Dearest Sisters,

As I sit here, reflecting on the journey that has brought us to this momentous occasion—the celebration of our 9th Founder's Day—I am overwhelmed with emotions that words cannot fully capture. Today, more than ever, I am filled with deep gratitude for each and every one of you who has worn and continues to wear our sacred letters with pride and dedication.

Nine years ago, we embarked on a journey to create something extraordinary, something that would endure beyond our individual lifetimes. We faced challenges that tested our resolve, moments where the path forward seemed uncertain, and yet, through it all, we never faltered. Together, we weathered storms and celebrated triumphs, each experience shaping us into the strong, united sisterhood we are today.

I must acknowledge my own role in both the struggles and the triumphs we have experienced. I have learned that leadership is not just about guiding from the front but also about standing with you through adversity, listening to your voices, and learning from your wisdom. I am grateful for the opportunity to have grown alongside each of you, humbled by the lessons learned, and inspired by your unwavering commitment to our sorority's values.

To all the women who sacrificed their time, energy, and resources to build and sustain Eta Alpha Pi Sorority, Incorporated®, I offer my heartfelt thanks. Your dedication has laid the foundation upon which we stand today—a sisterhood bound by bonds of sisterly love, respect, and empowerment. You have shaped our identity and ensured that our sacred letters represent not just an organization, but a family.

Looking ahead to the next nine years and beyond, I am filled with hope and anticipation. Together, we will continue to grow, evolve, and positively impact our communities. Our future is bright because of the passion and determination each of you brings to our sorority. As we strive for greater achievements and face new challenges, I am confident that we will navigate them with the same unity and strength that have defined us from the beginning.

In closing, on this Founder's Day, let us celebrate not only our accomplishments but also the bonds of sisterhood that connect us all. Let us honor the legacy of those who came before us and commit ourselves anew to upholding the values that define Eta Alpha Pi Sorority, Incorporated®. Together, we are stronger, and together, we will continue to shine brightly for years to come.

With all my love and gratitude,

K. Jameelah Lowery

Founding Onyx, Grand National President, Charter Member

Eta Alpha Pi Sorority, Incorporated®



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