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Domestic Violance Awareness Webinar
Hosted by Soror Stephanie Ferrell
The Domestic Violence Webinar, Finding Your Healing In Jesus, a coming together to address the serious impact of domestic violence. Learn from experts, hear survivor stories, and stand with us to support victims. Let's unite to fight this evil and work for a future of peace and dignity for all.
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Child Online Privacy Webinar
Hosted by Soror Meelah Lowery
The Child Online Privacy Webinar explores practical strategies and best practices for safeguarding children's online privacy. From social media usage to gaming platforms, learn how to navigate the digital landscape while protecting your child's personal information.
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Bible and the Ballot
Hosted by Ted Williams, III
Featuring special guest speaker, Ted Williams III, the Bible and the Ballot Webinar will present him delving into the contentious yet vital topic of the Bible versus the ballot and the intricate intersection of Christianity and politics. In today's polarized world, where does faith end and political allegiance begin? Can one be a devout Christian and still navigate the complexities of modern politics? Watch and decide!
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World Lupus Day Webinar
Hosted by Shakila Robinson
Featuring special guest speaker, Shakila Edwards, this transformative discussion on World Lupus Day sheds light on the complexities of living with lupus and explore avenues for empowerment and support. This webinar aims to provide valuable insights, practical tips, and heartfelt stories to empower individuals living with lupus and their loved ones.
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Black Maternal Health Week 2024
Hosted by Ericka Squire, Tiffany Mann, Bianca Davies
Black Mammas Matter Webinar is where 3 incredible women will share their inspiring stories of resilience, love, and faith as they triumph over maternal challenges. This panel discussion comes at the end of a week-long awareness celebration of Black maternal health advocacy.
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Unpacking 'Kingdom' Bible Study
Hosted by Soror Meelah Lowery
Our Grand President moderated an enlightening session, deep diving into the concept of "Kingdom" in the Bible. In this interactive Bible study, we explored key scriptures, discuss the meaning of God's Kingdom, and understand its relevance to our lives today.
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Human Trafficking Parent/Caregiver Workshop
Hosted by Heather Palasky, APRN
Partnering with Harbour Hope International, we created a virtual training space for parents and caregivers on Human Trafficking Awareness. We informed and empowered parents and caregivers in recognizing and preventing human trafficking. We covered the realities of trafficking, signs to watch for, and practical steps you can take to protect your loved ones.
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Sis, You Good? A Mental Health Discussion
Hosted by Indeya Maxton
This open and honest conversation dedicated to mental health within our community addressed the unique challenges we face, broke down stigmas, and offered practical tools for emotional wellness. We explored how mental health impacts every aspect of life, from relationships to self-care, and provided a safe space to share experiences, resources, and encouragement.
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